in the role of Lilli

When I read the script of Pane dal cielo I was touched by the story or should I say by the many stories. The main story is about the difficult world of the homeless and approaching it as a social and human problem.
A very strong issue, today more than ever given the crisis we are experiencing. It is a general problem, it is universal and it involves us all. We are all on the fine line of spiritual and material insecurity. All it takes is a small stone to derail. This little stone is like a short circuit that can explode in our minds or in our material world and drastically compromise our well being. The other story is a story of hope. The child that some can see and some cannot. It is however possibile to see the child if you experience change within. The child is there to tell us that what is pure and innocent within us, our vital energy and our light within all deserve a second chance.
These qualities can emerge so long as we accept to see them and we accept to see the child. Lilli’s character that I tried to bring to life during the shooting of the trailer, is living precisely this. She has a second chance. Lilli is there to tell us that we can change the course of things. When I went to see the trailer and then the film I found it difficult to be objective. It felt like looking at my sister on the screen. Then I thought to myself that this is what had to happen. I started looking at Lilli, Annibale and all the other homeless for what they truely are: brothers and sisters.